Delay Your Aging Time with Electromagnetic Waves
Delay Your Aging Time with Electromagnetic Waves. PEMF 8000 is a form of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. This kind of therapy has been seen to be highly effective in many cases, especially in treating chronic pain. Over 25 years ago, the FDA approved PEMF for bone healing, post-surgical pain and healing, pain and inflammation, knee pain, and even depression.
Our bodies are electromagnetic and every function is an electrical event, which starts in our brain and travels over our nervous system. Did you know we have over 45 miles of nerves?
Watch Dr. Oz share his excitement about the technology!
Delay Your Aging Time with Electromagnetic Waves
What IS the PEMF 8000?
A: PEMF 8000 is a form of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. This kind of therapy has been seen to be highly effective in many cases, especially in treating chronic pain
Q: Is it effective? Is it safe?
A: Yes. PEMF has been used in Europe for over 40 years. The FDA has approved PEMF for bone healing and depression.
Q: What does the PEMF machine do?
Short Answer:
It produces a variable pulsating electromagnetic field, which improves cellular metabolic function (the processes of healing and maintaining health). Imagine a battery charger to your cells that are low on energy
Delay Your Aging Time with Electromagnetic Waves
Q: What does the machine do?
Long Answer:
- The Cells within this variable pulsating electromagnetic field are being exercised. The cells that have low energy can be felt as mild discomfort or slight pain. Higher energy cells are being exercised but may not be felt.
- While these low-energy cells are exercised they are beginning to have toxins permeate their membranes and therefore the PEMF unit supports cellular detoxification processes.
- The PEMF unit also increases blood circulation and oxygen flow which helps the cell to repair.
- The PEMF technology has been known to help detoxify and increase the flow of lymphatic fluids which will help detoxification and cellar fluid dynamics including nutritional uptake.
- PEMF puts a healthy energy charge into the interior of the cell behind the cell membrane which raises cellular energy so the cell can heal itself faster. While many technologies can affect the interstitial fluids, pulsed electromagnetic fields can influence and charge the interior parts of the cell including the nuclease and the mitochondria.
- PEMFs are like spark plugs or catalysts for energy production in the cell. Just like a car needs oxygen, fuel, and an ignition (spark plug), so does the human cell needs fuel (glucose), oxygen, and a “spark plug” or ignition. This ignition is PEMF or pulsed magnetic energy. We can also think of PEMF as a battery recharger for the human cell. We now know that the voltage of a healthy cell is about 70 millivolts. When we get sick or have damaged cells, these cells have been known to operate at 30 – 15 millivolts or less in cases of cancer, or cell/body death. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) act like a catalyst and battery rechargers for human cells.
Delay Your Aging Time with Electromagnetic Waves
Q: How many sessions with the PEMF8000 will I need?
A: The answer, as with most natural therapies, is different for each person. It really comes down to how well you “hold a charge.” Your cells’ ability to hold a battery charge depends heavily on two things:
- How well hydrated the tissues are – Hydration refers to whether or not you have enough healthy water and electrolytes in the areas surrounding the cells. The battery ‘age’ does not necessarily refer to a person’s biological age, but rather the amount of wear and tear the cells have endured. Think about your cell phone. A cell phone with a two-year-old battery is not going to hold a charge as long as a phone with a new battery. However, one person’s two-year-old battery can be much more “used and abused” than another person’s.
- The age or damage to the batteries – Your cells’ batteries may need a charge once per week or three times per week depending on your goals. The length of therapy depends on the amount of work that needs to be done. Are you building a new deck or a whole new house?
Q: My pain is gone, am I done now?
A: Most people notice that PEMF8000 therapy rapidly decreases or eliminates pain. Pain is simply a signal from the body for more energy. When the workers run out of charged batteries, they aren’t able to complete their work, so it builds up.
They are also sitting around with nothing to do and can become grumpy, starting to complain. When you charge their tools, the complaining stops and they go back to work. First, they have to get to the backlog of tasks that have piled up, so they need power support during this time. If you stop charging the tools before the work is completed, the complaining – i.e., the pain – will resume. For our scientists, skeptics, and analytical minds:
There are still only a few reproducible[ measuring applications to prove the immediate effects of PEMF’s on human organisms. Within the field of complementary and alternative medicine, dark field microscopy is one of the most common and used methods.
By taking a blood sample and putting it under a special microscope, red blood cells can be observed before and after PEMF 8000 application with the whole body applicator An alternative method is thermography. With the help of a thermal imaging camera, it is possible to determine changes in the outside temperature of the human skin. Because of the immediate effect of a PEMF8000 application on increasing blood flow.