Dr. Sabra, Veterinarian Explains How PEMF Helps Her Patients (dogs and cats) Solve Health Problems!
Dr. Sabra tells the story of three different dogs with varying degrees of paralysis start walking again thanks to PEMF – Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy! She runs multiple veterinarian clinics called All Paws in Kentucky.
See what she says about the paralyzed dog and what happened with PEMF therapy in this interview!
Dr. Sabra St Germain first experienced the benefits of PEMF on herself and then her veterinarian clinic clients. She ultimately invested in this amazing technology and uses it every day for herself and the animals she serves.
Here’s what it says about her background on her website:
“I graduated Colorado State University, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa with a degree in Zoology in 1975, then went on to get my doctorate in veterinary medicine. I am comfortable working with horses, cattle, dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, any species really. I have even worked on fish and insect pets!”
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is FDA approved, supports pain management, helps with noninvasive healing of muscles, joints, and bones for both people and our four-legged friends!

PEMF8000 Pro Creates Small Animal Wellness.
Small Animals are prone to injury, and at times these injuries can be devastating. Implementing regular PEMF treatments with the PEMF8000 Pro can be the key to healing and preventing many of these injuries, in both Horses and small animals.
Keep your animals strong and at the peak of their performance by catching minor injuries right at the onset and preventing conditions to worsen or cause major accidents. Your horses will love the relief and newfound energy resulting from regular treatments.
PEMF therapy enhances the synthesis of protein in the cells, allowing the body to take advantage of all the proteins available.
PEMF therapy improves circulation, not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure, but by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. This also reduces edema (swelling).
PEMF therapy increases the cellular level of oxygen absorption. Studies have shown that oxygen partial pressure can be increased by 200%.
This reduces pain associated with a lack of sufficient oxygen. Also, insufficient oxygen in the cells causes lactic acid buildup under strenuous exercise.
What can PEMF do for Your Dogs, cats and any small Animal?
Improve Performance
Increase Speed, Strength, Stamina, Suppleness, and Range of Motion
Relieve Pain
Reduce Inflammation, Stiffness, and Soreness from Competition or Injury
Detect Areas Of Soreness
PEMF can help detect WHERE your horse is Sore while simultaneously providing Noticeable Relief – Horses LOVE it!
Reduce Recovery Time
After the competition, bring your horses Back to Fitness up to 70% Faster
Heal Faster
PEMF can Accelerate Healing Time 1/3 to 1/2 including wounds, soft tissue injuries, fractures, illness.
Relieve & Heal Deep Muscle Soreness
PEMF penetrates Deeper than Laser or Massage…
Boost Cellular Metabolism
Regular PEMF treatments Enhance a Bodies Ability to HEAL ITSELF and respond to imbalances Before they become illness or injury.
Improve Overall Health, Comfort & Well-being
PEMF works on a variety of conditions involving soft tissue, bone, hooves, Illness, Age-Related issues, and More!
Offer Treatment Options
PEMF Therapy can be done Right at the Show, Before and/or After Athletic Events as well as Regular, Preventative Therapy at Home
Here are just some of the Conditions treated with PEMF
- Performance Stress & Body Soreness
- Soreness of the Back, Stifle, Joints, Neck, Poll, TMJ, Shoulder or Hooves
- Soft Tissue Injuries- Muscle, Tendon & Ligament
- Hoof Abscess, Stone Bruises (Relief in just 1 to 3 sessions)
- Conditions of Age – Arthritis, Cushings Disease
- Anhidrosis (Inability to sweat normally, usually can be resolved in just 1-2 sessions)
- Non-Healing Wounds
- Bone issues – non-healing fractures
~ Laminitis, EPM or Founder
~ Lackluster Health or Performance
Treatment goals are to restore normal motion and neurological firing patterns to the affected spinal joints, release adjacent tight and unbalanced muscles, break up scar tissue and adhesions, disperse lactic acid and other metabolic waste products.
PEMF technology is used to facilitate the rapid removal of waste products from the treated tissues and draw in new blood flow, nutrients, and oxygen. The PEMF also enhances the circulation of synovial fluid through joint capsules that have been mobilized.
The PEMF delivery loops are introduced to the horse gradually until they are in contact with the horse. The intensity starts low and is increased or decreased based upon the comfort level and response of the horse.
The intensity can be altered by turning the dial in the device or the loop can be moved further away during treatment to decrease the intensity. Once a horse understands that the gentle pulsing feels good, they relax and enjoy the treatment.
The large loop may be placed in a position beginning on the shoulders and after the horse accepts the pulsing sensation, the Equine Sports Therapist will then begin scanning the horse with the loop.
When muscles are found that twitch or pulse in irregular patterns, these are identified as sore muscles or an injured area that needs to be treated. The delivery loops will remain on those areas for 10 minutes and then the Therapist will continue to scan for other muscles that twitch or pulse in irregular patterns.
After scanning one side of the whole horse, then treating the major muscle groups and the neck, poll, and TMJ joint for 2 minutes each, the Practitioner moves to the other side of the horse and repeats the treatment protocol.
While one will see some significant improvements after a single treatment, more severe or chronic soreness may take multiple treatments to achieve optimal results. Regular weekly treatments are recommended for competitive horses and will result in a horse that feels good all the time and eliminates the peaks and valleys of the typical training regiments.
Here are just some of the Conditions treated by PEMF
- Performance Stress & Body Soreness
- Soreness of the Back, Stifle, Joints, Neck, Poll, TMJ, Shoulder or Hooves
- Soft Tissue Injuries- Muscle, Tendon & Ligament
- Hoof Abscess, Stone Bruises (Relief in just 1 to 3 sessions)
- Conditions of Age – Arthritis, Cushings Disease
- Anhidrosis (Inability to sweat normally, usually can be resolved in just 1-2 sessions)
- Non-Healing Wounds
- Bone issues – non-healing fractures
- Laminitis, EPM or Founder
- Lackluster Health or Performance