What Is PEMF? Here is the answer!
What Is PEMF? Here is the answer!
Everyone is always asking me. What is PEMF? What is a Pulsed electromagnetic Field?
What Is PEMF? Here is the answer!
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and to support overall wellness.
We can think of PEMF as a battery charger for our cells.
The voltage of a healthy cell is about -20 to -25 millivolts. We start to get sick when that voltage drops below -15 millivolts or less. Once our cells’ voltage drops below that level, they are unable to heal and become dysfunctional. By inducing a mild electrical magnetic current into damaged cells, PEMF therapy slows or stops the release of pain and inflammatory mediators, increases the blood flow of the cells, and re-establishes normal cell interaction. With reduced inflammation, pain decreases, energy increases, and faster tissue healing occurs
.What Is PEMF? Here is the answer!
So I thought I would put this video together and show you a way to see how this magic energy works.
It’s really a simple law of nature that the body begs for as we grow older and, or unhealthy.
It’s a universal energy that we lose as we age. Kind of like re-charging a battery on a stalled car.
Kindly watch this video as I believe it will help you create a better understanding of this amazing energy.