What is PEMF? | How PEMF Works | Review for best PEMF Device
Making a Case for PEMF
What is PEMF? | How PEMF Works | Review for best PEMF Device
After conducting in-person interviews of more than 23,000 American adults, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (in conjunction with the National Center for Health Statistics) found that almost 40 percent of those surveyed used some type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in an effort to obtain and retain a higher level of health.
And while many different forms of CAM exist, many of which you as a healthcare professional likely use in your office daily, one that is less talked about yet offers a scientifically proven positive healing response is PEMF.
What is PEMF?
PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy; using this particular process involves directing powerful, pulsed energy waves toward damaged or injured areas of the patient’s body. These waves painlessly and quickly pass through the cells in the damaged region, increasing the spin of the electrons contained within them as a result.
It is this amplified electron spinning that restores the cell’s potential (its energy), regulating its volume at the same time. And, unlike some other forms of CAM, this positive cellular effect lasts for as many as four days after the treatment session has ended. With that, PEMF therapy is: The induction of electricity into the cells to help stimulate or promote healing.
What is PEMF?
Perhaps the easiest way to understand PEMF is to think in terms of each cell in your body as if it were a little battery. Like with any battery, sometimes your cells become tired and worn, whether due to age, stress, overuse, or damage, making it more difficult for them to fight off any type of potentially damaging force or illness.
Through PEMF therapy, your batteries (i.e. your cells) essentially become recharged. The energy supplied via PEMF waves gives them the energy they need to ward off whatever is threatening them, whether it’s a trauma or disease-based threat. This makes it easier for your patient’s body to restore its health naturally, simply by using the electrical currents and impulses that are already interacting within and throughout their cells. In essence, high-powered PEMF is like a “battery re-charger” for your depleted cells.
This caused Goodwin to conclude that, “As is clearly demonstrated in the human body, the bioelectric, biochemical process of electrical nerve stimulation is a documented reality.” In other words, it works and it works very well.
1. The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States. NCCIH. (2011). NCCIH. Retrieved 13 October 2016 https://nccih.nih.gov/research/statistics/2007/camsurvey_fs1.htm
2. Goodwin, Thomas J. (2003). Physiological and Molecular Genetic Effects of Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields on Human Neuronal Cells. Lyndson B. Johnson Space Center.