Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy
Pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy. Mostly is known for using as a reparative technique in the field of orthopedics. It is used for the treatment of failed fusions, and nonunion fractures. Many researchers say that the pulsed signal in the PEMF 8000 Device activates the body’s chemistry to heal more faster.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy
History of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field
Paracelsus, a Swiss physician, wondered if magnets can manipulate diseases. He wanted to use lodestones since they were the best magnets available back then. They are quite weak magnetically, and not many people gave him attention until made the discovery of carbon steel magnets in the 1700s.
It was back in the 1800s that there was a staggering number of findings relating magnetism and electricity.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy
The most interesting theory postulates a magnetic field deficiency syndrome. Dr. Kyochi of Japan later explained this. Dr. Kyochi argues that since humans evolved in a magnetic field, they need it for maintaining proper health.
Although no one could really explain how magnetic fields can affect a person’s health, there were many theories but very few explanations. But because no one could explain, doesn’t actually prove that it can’t happen.
Back in the year 1890, an annual conference on the use of electrical devices by physicians and electricity was conducted by the American Electro-Therapeutic Association.
Today, PEMF Therapy is approved by the FDA to improve the healing of non healing bone unions. Strong, powerful electromagnets are used in the research of generation of current in the human brain and muscle.
As many as thousands of research studies have been studied to improve the correlation between people’s health and pulsed electromagnetic frequency.
Benefits of Using a PEMF 8000 Device
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy
The PEMF provides amazing regenerative effects; the magnetic fields enable the cells to generate so much energy that the cells can heal themselves. Whether it is short term or long term, PEMF therapy relieves all kinds of pains.
It is vital for having healthy cells for overall health and well-being. You can use PEMF therapy to restore the body’s natural electromagnetic energy.
There are various benefits of using a PEMF 8000 Device. The primary advantages of using a PEMF 8000 Device are:
- There is a substantial decrease in pain
- There have been many patients who have said that inflammation reduced dramatically when they used a pulsed electromagnetic frequency device.
- There is an increase in the range of motion.
- There is a faster functional recovery
- After surgery, there is reduced muscle loss
- There is an increase in the tensile strength of ligaments
- Skin wounds are said to heal faster
- The capillary formation is enhanced.
- There is an extravagant acceleration of nerve regeneration
- A significant decrease in tissue necrosis.
- therapy helps correct the brain’s electrical signaling and chemical imbalances.
There is a fundamental relationship between living organisms and magnetic fields. Many studies which have been published show that there is plenty of evidence which proved the effectiveness of PEMF.
As we develop our technology using the various research studies that are being conducted, it is guaranteed that we will reach several breakthroughs in the field of pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy.